Saturday, December 17, 2016

Muzzles and Release levers

A fellow Nerf player contacted me and asked if I could help him do a custom print.

He asked for a muzzle (which I didn't draw previously) for his brother's birthday present and requested that I help him print one.

another request was also for a magazine release lever for the retaliator.
now, this was something I wanted to design for awhile and wanted to take up the challenge of doing something different, a drop-in enhancement for the retaliator.

after some brain cracking on how I could do it, I went on to draw it (both the muzzle and release lever)

 Drew two muzzle instead of one so that he could choose which he preferred.

The birdcage muzzle, with an extended barrel, python barrel shroud, and Picatinny rails adaptors.

 The stock barrel attachment point of a nerf blaster

The muzzle is meant to fit in without any glue

I designed the muzzle pieces so that would both fit a Nerf barrel and a Nerf barrel attachment point without the need for glue or any further modifications to the blaster.

The Release lever for the Retaliator

up close of lever installed in.
simple design, simple mechanism.

some shell cutting is required for it to sit nicely inside.
basically just cutting a small square on the outer shell.

The lever was designed in a way that would not hinder the original magazine lock release, and still maintained functionality of both the original release and the add-on release.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

BACKLOG: Ghetto Shotgun Grip for the Longshot

probably my first serious mod for a nerf blaster.
Done probably around 2009 or something.

The Nerf Longshot
This blaster holds probably the most modding capabilities in terms of internals.
sadly, back in the days, 3d printing didn't really exist and is not very accessible to everyone.
We had to be creative in modding and had to come up with funny ways to get the mod done.

This is such an example.
built using its own parts, namely the front blaster and other salvaged parts and springs from other blasters, some Pvc and 2 random metal bars I found lying around my place.
I went on to try to make a shotgun grip that was easy to use and looked good at the same time.

This is the blaster currently.
The internals is all old school mods, unlike what we have nowadays.

had to cut part of the front out to fit the PVC pipe as a grip.

Glued the PVC piped into the front blaster grip, 
then I cut out the shaped of the grip into the PVC pipe.

Had to make sure that it sits nicely when primed.

the 2 metal bars I found lying at home.
had to bend it so it fits nicely.

All held in place with its original charging bolt

Had to improvise on the other side as the bolt is now too short to lock itself in place.
that's a spectacle hook and a copper wire bent into a hook.

There you have it. my very first serious nerf mod, probably back in 2010 or something.
a seriously old modded blaster, very good back in the old days. now completely obsolete as there are now drop in mods available by aftermarket part makers like Artifact.

Perhaps I should revive this blaster. make it great again... (jokes intended)

Friday, October 7, 2016

A Present for a friend

so, someone's birthday is coming up and I wanna present this person with a custom made nerf blaster.
so I went ahead and bought a new blaster, and added in my printed parts.

Here's what it became!

Drew and printed the top rails. Picatinny instead of NERF's original rails.
printed a shotgun grip and barrel shroud for this person too.
maybe I should paint it.

The blaster in my sister's hand.
the dog was not harmed in the process

Painted it in the end!
Sky blue accents with white splatters!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Barrel Shroud Perhaps?

so I had some old NERF parts saying around. thought I did something with them instead of throwing it away...

the parts I had lying around was;
Nerf Foregrip
Nerf Retaliator Barrel

well, this is nice parts, and I didn't want to cut them up or anything. so how about I draw and print something for them? :D

I saw this gun online and really liked the front part of it, so I tried to draw something for it

Nearly done!

looks nice! 
and yea, that's another foregrip I made to go along with my previous shotgun grip design!
designed to replicate a classic shotgun grip!

drew some nerf rails so that I can attach stuff on the top if I liked

I also recently got this printed barrel from a friend.
the front sure seemed interesting, so I decided to try and replicate that.

and behold! the resemblance is uncanny... 
I drew it to be without the muzzle so I can change it up anytime!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Poverty Elevation @ Cambodia

The planning and Collaboration with Operation Hope Foundation to go to Prey Vang to build a house was rather eye opening.

With a 13.5% of the population below the poverty line, many of their citizens are unable to have proper lodging and access to clean water. (Asian Development Bank, 2017)

The overall aim of this humanitarian project was to provide and build for a family a house and to supply them with some food and money. OHF helped to source out for the beneficiary, while my team sourced for the finance and food supplies.

Initially, i assembled a team of 4, to help with the planning, but along the way, i learned that they would also require help as some of them are students.

throughout the planning for the trip, we hit a few major setbacks, the biggest of all was finance as are unable to come up with the amount of it. luckily, we were able to talk to a church, Blessed Grace Church and they agreed to let us use their premises to hold a fair (no photos for that sadly)
thanks to the church, we were able to raise enough money for the trip.

My fellow team members were also helpful as they always give feedback to me on how I can lead better and help them more efficiently. Learning is part of life, and I am truly thankful for this bunch being honest with me :)

well, enough boring stuff, let us get on to the fun part.
The team that went. not gonna name them for privacy sake.

their initial living condition, a poorly built house that looks rather flimsy.

 that red hut there, that's their toilet. there's no flush, running water or lights. 
just a hole where you do your business

Gathering the team and briefing them on the things that needed to be done.
reminding them about safety as this is a foreign country.

a common school for the villager's kids. their schooling fees are paid by the government. teachers from throughout the country will come here to teach the kids

The white dude is a government teacher. 
He explained to us that teachers at the village are willing to be there because of their passion for teaching 

Don't look at me, look at the blackboard!

The Volunteers Hammering away! sorry for the lack of pictures!

                  ^Are we half way there?                                     Can't forget about the foundations right?^

 hey, gotta take a break once in a while no? 

Playing with the kids once in awhile.

That's cement being mixed! yes, by hand. No machinery to help!

Please, don't do this at home. totally unsafe practice

Putting the finishing planks up!

BEHOLD! the completed house!

Maybe a short break, with food, together with the locals, inside the house we built.

Now that the house is done, Gather the kids, and let's give them MILO!

Distributing The Malt Drink (MILO) out to the kids :D

Presenting the house ownership Certificate to the House owner

^Bye! wait, were we going off to?                                 ^ Killer view to boot by the way.

So we went to the orphanage. 
To keep the Singapore spirit going, we had food first! HAHAHA

the kids queuing up to take their lunch.

The Orphanage has better facilities than the villages.

A short while after lunch, we gathered the kids and prepare for some games!

Yep, that's right... field games!

But not all of them like to play on the field right?
 How about handicrafts?                                     Perhaps building a 3d puzzle of the Eiffel tower?
A paracord bracelet maybe?

Back at the Dorms, we got to mingle around with the local students and play games with them on the last night!

Every Singaporean favorite time, food time

Okay... maybe too many games last night....

Well, that is a summary of how we went to Cambodia to do something that would be beneficial to at least one family. sure it's just one family, but it's better than not doing anything at all :)