Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The USARISS project!

This was a project I did years ago, together with SCDF.
During Urban search and rescue training, SCDF officers would go underneath the debris and hide in order to simulate a trapped person.
Obviously, this is not very safe for the officer.
together with ITE, we worked together with  SCDF to create a device, capable of simulating a trapped person.

The Pictures below logs and records down my journey with ITE College West in designing, fabricating and building a device to suit the needs of SCDF.
not all the pictures are here and some of it is lost. :(

Eventually, our team not only won a merit award with SCDF NSTI, we also managed to win the Lee Kwan Yew Technology Award :D

Special Thanks to ITE College West for the opportunity to participate in this project

A Youtube Link to our device being tested out.

Captain explaining to us how they use the Delsar during training and operations

The Delsar console

The controller

the seismic Receiver (vibrations)

The Acoustic Receiver (like a mic)

A typical training area where instructors have to "hide", and trainees have to "seek"

another place where instructors can hide.

yes, they (our device) have to be able to go in and stay hidden.

holes are for hiding... 

holes are for hiding...

our initial design was rather... boxy...

My first time using a 3d printer...

After 3d printing and a random cover for the controller, we assembled it.

Woah, the chief came....

Suddenly there was a large crowd...

Our small booth at ITE West

Presenting the initial prototype!

close up of the internals

The underbelly

Projects can't just stop after completion. you gotta keep improving!
asked 2 communications student to join in and help!

A new controller perhaps?

Removed the hump on our cover, and re-did the internals

instead of a mechanical "tapper" we used a transducer this time

Empty Shells.
1st prototype case, printed controller cover 1, printer controller cover 2

The Captain looks like a DJ testing out our device.

Our little booth at NSTI

With the communications students!

Team Photo with SCDF

Group photo after presenting to the Board for Lee Kwan Yew Technology Award.

LKY Technology Award! 

Our Final Group Photo

It's still being displayed in ITE West

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